Server administration & support

Our experienced server support consultants work with you to assess your needs, provide you with options, and implement server support services that help you manage and grow your business.

Over the last decade, companies purchased Intel and blade servers as a cost-effective alternative to mainframes and proprietary UNIX servers. The frequent addition of a small number of inexpensive servers was not viewed as a major budget concern when companies were flourishing. However, as server counts grew, they triggered enormous hidden costs in software licensing, maintenance, management and data center environmental management. As the economic picture worsened, these hidden costs became a visible concern. Cost containment is now a priority and often an imperative to the competitiveness of the company, leading to server consolidation and virtualization solutions.

Macrolevel has certified server engineers and consultants who work with your IT department to assess your needs, provide you with options, and provide server installation services and post-installation support. Our experienced consultants can advise your company on a server strategy and determine your equipment needs to meet vendor requirements and specifications for a smooth implementation.

We also offer post-warranty server support services under fixed-fee service contracts to make sure your servers continue to function properly according specifications even after the original manufacturer's warranty expires.

Partnerships with technology vendors such as Dell, IBM, HP, Sun and Supermicro allow us to stay vendor-neutral to provide you with the best possible server support. Our relationships with these top vendors also allow us to bring you the most reliable, best-of-class technology in the market today.

Whether you need stand-alone or blade servers, server farms, virtualized infrastructure, or clustering, Macrolevel can offer you the right technology to handle the short term and long term goals of your company and help you maximize return on your investment.

Macrolevel’s network and server experts are certified to keep your systems - and business - running smoothly.

There is no doubt, servers are the lifeblood of your business network, which is why server failures, both hardware and/or software, can cause such a disastrous disruption in your business day-to-day operations. And usually when a server is down, so does business as usual.

Macrolevel's support engineers, consultants are experts in all aspects of server setup, installation, diagnosis, repair and maintenance, in addition to complete network support services.

Macrolevel provides you with an assessment and implementation roadmap of your network and servers, and documents milestones and improvements. Whether your business has a single Microsoft Windows Small Business Server or stand-alone multi-functional Linux server (please visit Linux server administration page for more details) or a more complex server solution, our consultants can support your environment. Are you running VMWare VI3, VMWare vSphere or Xen to virtualize all of your servers into one redundant server cluster in additiona to desktop virtualization? Our server and network administrators can effectively build and maintain your server infrastructure solution.

Systems administrator responsibilities

A system administrator's responsibilities typically include:

  • Analyzing system logs and identifying potential issues with computer systems
  • Introducing and integrating new technologies into existing data center environments
  • Performing routine audits of systems and software
  • Performing backups
  • Applying operating system updates, patches, and configuration changes
  • Installing and configuring new hardware and software
  • Adding, removing, or updating user account information, resetting passwords, etc.
  • Answering technical queries
  • Responsibility for security
  • Responsibility for documenting the configuration of the system
  • Troubleshooting any reported problems
  • System performance tuning
  • Ensuring that the network infrastructure is up and running

How We Support Your Business

Our MCSA's and MCSE's (Microsoft Certified System Administrators/Engineers) can help your business deploy latest supported version of Windows Server OS into your network environment. Our engineers can provide consultation to determine what roles your server will play, what hardware and additional software is required.

Our server administration and support services include:

Other Windows Server versions we support

We have been working with Windows Servers ever since Windows NT Server 3.5, therefore it's safe to say we are experts on the Windows Server platform. If your business has not yet upgraded to the latest version of Windows Server and needs support on an older version, we can help!

  • Windows Server 2000
  • Windows Server 2003
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Small Business Server 2003
  • Windows Small Business Server 2008

In addition to core Operating System, we support variety of Microsoft database, mail, applications, security, communications and Web server solutions (click here for Linux):

  • Microsoft Exchange Server
  • Microsoft SQL server
  • Microsoft ISA Server
  • Microsoft Live Communications Server
  • Windows Essential Business Server
  • BizTalk Server
  • Windows Compute Cluster Server
  • Internet Information Server (IIS)
  • Windows Storage Server
  • Speech Server

Macrolevel provides your company plenty of flexibility with server and network support services. We can be onsite with your team or work from a remote location where we combine our people, process, and remote software tools to ensure your servers and other components of your company's infrastructure function as required according specifications. We help you monitor the strengths and weaknesses of your network and servers, as well as determine any configuration changes that may be necessary.

Our network and server support management frees your team to focus on more strategic business projects.